Pigeon with Porto
For 4 pigeons
300 grams of bacon - 150 grams of baby onions - 4dl of brown poultry or veal stock - 3 dl of port - 50 grams of butter - bacon.sel and grilled pepper - four pigeons
In a pressure cooker, add some olive oil and sauté the onions and bacon bits.Remove the onions and bacon and brown each pigeon on each side. When this is browned on each side put the onions and bacon covered, put in the oven at 170 ° for 35 to 45 minutes. Then remove from the oven, remove the pigeon deglaze with the chicken broth and the port let reduce a few minutes, add the pigeons leave to cook 10 15 minutes. If people are not cooked enough put back in the oven until cooked through. Taste with peas I preferred with homemade fries.